Removes build up of oil deposits and and soap from the internal pipework of the spa.
This should be used approximately every 3 months prior to drain down.
System Flush has been especially formulated to remove build-up of soap and oil deposits in spa plumbing. Basically it gets to the bits that you can’t!
Application Instructions:
System Flush should be used just prior to draining out hot tubs. Dose directly into the skimmer basket in your spa whilst the pumps are turned on to assist product distribution.
For best results, leave the treated hot tub for a minimum of 12 hours (i.e. overnight) prior to draining down and replacing the water in your spa.
Dose rates:
Water Volumes
Litres Gallons Dose Rates
1,000 220 200ml
1,500 330 250ml
2,000+ 440+ 300ml