Aquablanc ‘A’ Combination Liquid 1 Litre
Aquablanc ‘A’ combination Liquid – 1 Litre for pure and gentle spa water the Aquablanc dual action system is ideal for an ideal alternative to Chlorine or Bromine. The ‘A’ Combination liquid is one of the two part active oxygen system for Spa’s and Hot Tubs.
Aquablanc sanitisers for hot tubs/spas:
Aquablanc O2 Tablets + A combination Liquid
For pure and gentle spa water the above dual action system are presented in 1kg and 1 litre bottles respectively.
How to use: Before converting a spa to the Aquablanc system it should first be drained and refilled prior to use, followed by a shock treatment with chlorine to 5 – 10ppm.
Add the ‘A’ combination liquid direct to the spa whilst the circulation system is running and add the O2 tablets via a floating dispenser or spa skimmer (if fitted).
Approximate start up and routine dose rates:-
1,000 litres or 220 gallons requires 40ml on start up & 10ml weekly there after.
1,000 litres or 220 gallons requires 2 tablets on start up and 1 tablet prior to bathing.